5th Annual Capital Classic Strongman Challeng June 6 2015
And HERE IT COMES!!! I told you something was coming…something BIG!! … The 5th Annual Capital Classic Strongman Challenge… and this year..will be bigger and better than before!! YEH!! I know… you say HOW CAN it be BETTER!! Trust me… it WILL!!
This will be a NAS Level 2 competition….
SO…mark your calendar, buy your tickets… (not for my gun show)… but for your plane… Find the Greyhound…hop the AmTrak… and get your arse to The Edge !!!
DATE: June 6th, 2015 Tysons Corner Virginia!
EVENTS: Log Press for Reps (c&p each rep)
Hussafel for distance
Farmers/Tire Flip (HEAVY Farmers, 50’, 5 flips)
Axle Deadlift for reps (straps allowed, conventional height)
And of course the BVP standard… 5 Stone Run on High to low platforms.
As USUAL… more details coming and entry will be on NAS site in the next week or so…
If you haven’t had the extreme pleasure of competing at The Capital Classic…. You haven’t competed…
5th Annual Capital Classic ENTRY FORM