08.11.12 Barry’s Blind Betty-A Strongman Show

kids under 12 are FREE!

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Event DATE:

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Event TIME:


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607 South Ball Street Arlington, VA 22206

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 Competitor Rules:

Saturday, August 11, 2012 10:45 am

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Competitor Weigh ins:

Friday, August 10, 2012 6pm-8pm

or Saturday, August 11, 2012 9am-10am

Enter to Compete in This Gold Level NAS Sanctioned Event HERE



Potential Events and Competitor Divisions

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Event Descriptions

5 will be chosen…what will they be?


1.  Five (5) Atlas Stone Run:

50” Platform start with hands on the box, 75 second time limit, you know the drill.

2.  Farmer’s Walk:

80’ total, 40’ down, turn 40’ back (may drop implement and turn around)

3.  Log Press:

Clean and Press each time, 60 seconds, belt, wraps, chalk, elbow sleeves allowed.

4.  Husafell Carry:

Carry for distance until the implement is dropped. no time limit, chalk and belts are allowed (no tacky or tack towels)

  •  women’s/novice men’s and 200 division implement will be a concrete husafell.
  •   231 division implement will be a BiggDogg husafell.
  •   HW division implement will be 400lbs ifsa shield.

5.  Three (3) Tire Flip Medley:

      Each tire will be flipped 3 times, 60 second time limit, tacky towel allowed.

6.  Axle Press:

 Clean once and press.  60 second time limit, belt, chalk, wrist straps and elbow sleeves are allowed.

7.  Stone Over Bar:

 48” Bar, you know the drill….60 Seconds.

8.  King Kong Dumbell:

Clean once, press for reps, 60 seconds, can lift with two hands but must press with one arm/hand only.

9.  Deadlift for Reps:

 60 second time limit, Belt and chalk are allowed.  No Suits, straps or briefs.  Call from the judge determines the rep.  Standard barbell from the floor.

10.  Car Deadlift:

Deadlift for reps, 60 seconds, wait for the call at the top, belt, straps and chalk are allowed.  No Suits or briefs.  Facing away from the car, 16” handle height.

Blah, blah, blah here: Facebook Event Page
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Gym is located at: 607 S. Ball Street Arlington, VA 22206

Where to stay: Doubletree in Arlington 300 Army Navy Drive Arlington, VA 22202
Americana Hotel in Arlington 1400 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202-3230


This event powered by MVP



1 Comment

  1. Jason Dayberry
    14 July 12, 3:22pm

    Hey Barry, I sent the entry via paypal. Do I still need to send in the form?
    Jason Dayberry
    1340 Canberra Dr Essex MD 21221
    Im a 231er
    t-shirt xxl
    digital signiture- Jason M. Dayberry

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