Props to the Edge 2.0 Competitors
The Edge 2.0 had 5 members compete in Delaware’s Strongest Man on October 1, 2011 (hosted by Team Bix and Edge 2.0 friend Kyle Bixler): Matt Makara, Billy Rohrer, Feisal Suleiman, Dustin Payne & Earl Lane.
Earl Lane took 2nd place in the Novice Division!!
“Thanks to great training and coaching from the The Edge 2.0 i was able to walk away with a second place victory at my first strongman contest check this out to learn more about the experience”
“So on 10/1/11 i competed in my first strongman contest after about a year of saying i wanted to be a strongman and then another four months of off and on training i finally go serious and on October 1st 2011 i competed in Delaware’s Strongest man and brought home a second place finnish in the novice group so here is a little bit of what i learned during the contest“
Read the full blogpost here: http://certifiedstrength.wordp